2800 16th St, NW Washington DC 20009
WhatsApp Image 2021-05-31 at 11-compressed

Welcome to Washington-Daylight Lodge No. 14

a constituent lodge of the

Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, F.A.A.M.

Formed by the consolidation of

Washington Centennial Lodge No. 14 .....................................Chartered November 4, 1852
In 2002, Washington Daylight Lodge celebrated its 150th anniversary. Washington Daylight lodge is actually the result of the merger of several lodges, each with their own history and traditions. The oldest of these, Washington Centennial Lodge @14 was founded in 1852.
This is how we came to be.
The dedication of Washington Centennial Lodge took place at a special communication on January 13, 1852. On November 4, 1852, Mos Worshipful Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia, Benjamin B. French, presented to Ezra Williams, our first Worshipful Master, a charter. This began the new lodge to be named "Washington Centennial Lodge #14"
On December 23, 1991 - Washington Centennial Llodge #14 joined forces with the brethren of Solomon-Harding-Brightwood, who had merged two years before. Together, these lodges formed Washington Daylight Lodge #14
Today at the dawn of the Twenty-First Century. Washington Daylight lodge #14 has grown in number and prospers. We have a fine group of men, dedicated to the principles of Freemasonry with a common vision of international peace and brotherhood
King Solomon Lodge No.31 .....................................................Chartered May 10, 1905
During the early years of the Twentieth Century, another group of Brethren decided to form a daylight lodge. King Solomon Lodge #31 was granted a charter on May 10, 1905.
Warren G. Harding Lodge No. 39 .............................................Chartered December 19, 1923
In 1923, in memory of the passing of President and Brother, Warren G. Harding, a lodge which was to bear his name first met under Dispensation. On December 19, 1923 a charter was granted to Warren G. Harding Lodge #39
Brightwood Lodge No. 43 .........................................................Chartered December 17, 1924
The next years, through the 1950's were a time of great growth in the Masonic Fraternity here in the District of Columbia. Another of our fine predecessors was Brightwood Lodge #43 was constituted on January 25, 1925.

From the



I hope that everyone has enjoyed happy holidays! Thank you again for re-electing me Worshipful Master of Washington Daylight Lodge for the coming year. It is an honor and privilege to serve this historic institution, founded on so many noble principles and made up of so many great leaders throughout our history.

I want to thank Worshipful Brother Christopher Burt for setting so fine an example and establishing a high bar for achievement in our Lodge. So many of the principles of our fraternity are continuously challenged by the world around us and WM Burt always worked to keep us on the level in our daily lives and on the path to brotherly love, relief, and truth. His strength of character and commitment to masonry made us a better Lodge. I want to begin his year by sharing our Grand Lodge vision and mission statements.


To unite men of different beliefs and cultures into one common society of friends and brothers under the guidance of the Grand Architect.


 To unite men of different beliefs into a harmonious and productive community through the application of Masonic moral values and the practice of benevolence, intellectual development, and mutual respect.


My goals for the year are threefold. First, I want to improve myself in masonry. I hope to continue my education in the rich history of this lodge and participate substantially in our ritual and degree work, helping our officers and brethren do
the same. So much of what I find appealing in masonry is found in our history, traditions, and ritual. We will accomplish this by having quality programming at our meetings, recruiting qualified candidates, and holding more practices for
ritual. Please join me.

Secondly, I want to make certain that every brother is a stakeholder in our lodge and is able to contribute to the building of our lodge as an institution and the work we do to strengthen its foundation and make it vibrant. I want to encourage
participation on our committees. I ask our committee members to work together and develop policies and procedures for how they will function moving forward, actively pursuing their goals and be ready to report on their efforts at our stated
communications. For brethren not yet on a committee, there will be other important roles where your help is crucial.

Lastly, I want to build on the work we do in the community. The strength of our lodge as an institution is defined in part by the role, we make for ourselves not only amongst our fellow brethren but across the broader community in which we
live. Already, we do so many good works, whether it be in honoring the past through our wreath laying at Mount Vernon or our charitable giving program. I want to build on that strong legacy and increase lodge participation in this important work. Thank you again my brethren. I look forward to completing a year post-covid. Together, we can accomplish these goals. Happy holidays to all and I look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Stephen W. Baker, PM

Worshipful Master

Lodge Information
From the Secretary
Lodge History
DC Grand Lodge Publication
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